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Companies Can’t Stop Using Open Source


"Open source security is arguably getting better, thanks to vendors like Chainguard and industry consortia like the Open Source Security Foundation. But we have a ways to go, and in the meantime, security, as well as other factors, mean that “free as in beer” is never truly free."

Why Open-Source Projects Need to Address Dependency-related Security Risks


Open-source software and hardware projects are becoming increasingly popular, but their complexity and large supply chains bring new challenges for engineers in terms of cybersecurity. With the growing threat of cyber attacks, it's important to understand the security issues posed by dependencies and how the future of open-source projects can mitigate these risks.

Protecting Against Linux Malware


Linux is a popular and powerful operating system, but it is not immune to malware. In fact, malware that targets Linux systems is on the rise. In fact, findings from Atlas VPN based on data from threat intelligence platform AV-ATLAS, claims that in 2022 there were 1.9 million new Linux malware threats, bringing the figure up 50% year-on-year.

BlackBerry: Cyberattacks Are Being Launched Once Every Minute


Threat actors are evolving to target a wide variety of systems and infrastructure, BlackBerry says in a new report. "In addition, attacks against Linux systems and cloud infrastructure will increase as threat actors look to install backdoors on target systems and gain visibility into organizations for further activities."

New Data Shows Constant Rise of New Malware on Windows, Linux, MacOS and Android


2022 has been a year full of surprises and twists, but now as it nears its end, many companies are coming out with their lists and rankings of many aspects of the tech world. AV-TEST is one such company that specializes in anti-malware solutions. The good folks at AV-TEST recently came forward with some fascinating figures about the malware growth that took place in 2022.