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Accessing IoT Devices Securely: A Guide to Raspberry Pi Remote Access


In the rapidly evolving world of managing Internet of Things (IoT) devices, ensuring secure remote access to ssh iot devices behind firewalls and NAT routers is of utmost importance. This article explores remote IoT device management, focusing on the secure ways to access Raspberry Pi web devices remotely. We will delve into two key methods - SSH (Secure Shell) and web-based access, highlighting the benefits they offer in overcoming firewall and network address translation challenges.

New Cryptocurrency Mining Campaign Targets Linux Systems and IoT Devices


Internet-facing Linux systems and Internet of Things (IoT) devices are being targeted as part of a new campaign designed to illicitly mine cryptocurrency. "The threat actors behind the attack use a backdoor that deploys a wide array of tools and components such as rootkits and an IRC bot to steal device resources for mining operations," Microsoft threat intelligence researcher Rotem Sde-Or said.

Zymbit Secure Module Features Raspberry Pi CM4


The new Secure Compute Module (SCM) Pro is an embedded platform built around the Raspberry Pi CM4 for IoT and edge applications requiring security features such as Verified Boot, Hardware Root of Trust, File System Encryption, Physical Tamper Sensors, etc.

Establishing a Root of Trust in Embedded Linux and IoT


With IoT, 5G and embedded devices becoming a larger part of everyone’s daily lives, security—and more importantly, trust in our technology—is on everyone’s minds. Embedded devices don’t have a good security track record; the last several years saw a significant number of high-profile hacks that could prevent people from widely accepting IoT into their homes. 

BusyBox flaws highlight need for consistent IoT updates


Security researchers have found and reported 14 vulnerabilities in the BusyBox userspace tool that's used in millions of embedded devices running Linux-based firmware. While the flaws don't have high criticality, some of them do have the potential to result in remote code execution (RCE). These flaws highlight the need for consistent IoT updates.

Linux Foundation creates standards for voice technology with major partners


The Linux Foundation is teaming up with companies like Target, Microsoft and Veritone to create the Open Voice Network, an initiative designed to "prioritize trust and standards" in voice-focused technology. Linux Foundation representatives said the Open Voice Network would support the platforms by "delivering standards and usage guidelines for voice assistant systems that are trustworthy, inclusive and open."